International Dating Woes | 5 Simple Ways to Beat Jet Lag

out of our singles vacation | Photo by Annie Theby on Unsplash
When you travel to another country, you have to be mindful of the time difference. Obviously, the farther the country, the bigger the time difference will be. This is an important factor to consider when traveling because even a minor shift in time zones can mess up your sleep, energy, and ultimately your ability to effectively do the things you’d want to do and see the places you’d like to see.
One of the reasons why a lot of travelers get jet-lagged is because they don’t properly prepare for the time difference as well as they should. As a result, they arrive at their destination groggy and disoriented. This is one of the hurdles people in the international dating scene face.
This is why we always remind those who join our singles vacation to always take time difference seriously. After all, you’d be meeting with a lot of beautiful single women so you would really need all the energy you can get if you want to maximize this opportunity to find love.
So here are just a few things you can do to prepare for the time difference:
Adjust your sleeping schedule
In order to properly switch your body clock, first try to sleep an hour later than usual and then gradually increase those hours according to the time difference.
This is one way of getting your body properly assimilated to the time difference. Just remember that whatever time you sleep, make sure the number of hours is still the same. This way, you won’t feel as groggy when you get to your destination. -
Minimize sleeping on your flight
As much as possible, do not sleep on the plane because this disrupts your body clock. If you can manage, hold off sleeping until you get to your destination. If your body can’t take it anymore, the nap should only last two hours max. That’s just enough time to shake off the drowsiness. -
Limit your nap time
It’s fine to rest once you arrive, however, make sure your nap should be at least two hours. Again, that’s just enough time for you to recharge. It also helps you adjust to the new timezone. This is especially crucial if you already have plans on your first day. You wouldn’t want to miss important events simply because you overslept, right? -
Exercise after you wake up.
The common advice is to exercise in the morning. However, in the case of adjusting your body clock, the tip is to work out after you wake up (whatever time that is). Research shows that exercise helps you sleep better—specifically it gives you more energy when you wake and makes you sleep faster when you go to bed. This can help you gradually change your body clock in a healthy way. -
Drink soothing teas
A cup of chamomile or lavender tea an hour before bed can help you sleep faster. Chamomile, in particular, has apigenin—an antioxidant that promotes sleepiness and reduces insomnia. Another beverage that could help you sleep better is warm milk. The point is you don’t have to resort to sleeping pills in order to induce yourself to sleep. There are healthier choices at your disposal.
All in all the right amount of sleep helps your body adjust to the new timezone. With enough rest, you could fully maximize the activities during the singles vacation and even see some other sites that you’d want to see that aren’t in the itinerary.
Now that you know how to beat the dreaded jet lag, don’t you think it’s about time that you sign up and maybe join our singles vacation to Ukraine? If you’re interested in dating and eventually marrying a Ukrainian woman, there are no other dating sites for singles that offer better tour packages than us.
If you’re not convinced, check our singles vacation schedules and inclusions here. Don’t miss yet another opportunity to find love, sign up now and get your journey towards a happily ever after started!