4 Dating Tips on How to Avoid Coming On Too Strong

dating tips. | Photo by cottonbro on pexels
Have you ever been out on a great date only to not hear from your date again afterward? You can’t help but wonder what could have gone wrong.
While the only way to know for sure is to ask your date, another possible explanation is that you may have came on too strong for her. She might have felt that you were too eager and aggressive throughout your whole interaction.
But rather than dwelling too much on what could’ve been and blaming the world for why you can’t seem to find love, the best course of action is to actually examine yourself and try to change for the better. After all, the secret to finding love is not giving up on it in the first place.
To help you avoid coming on too strong during your future dates, here are some dating tips you can follow:
Open-ended invites
Instead of blatantly asking her out, phrase your invite like this: “I’m about to do [insert activity] this [insert day]. I’d be ecstatic if you could join me!”.
By phrasing the invite as a suggestion instead of a question, you’re leaving little room for her to say no but at the same time giving her enough leeway to make her own decision. This way, any form of rejection won’t feel so pronounced. Open-ended invites also exude confidence. Some Ukrainian women would turn down men who don’t sound sure of themselves.
Ask questions
One way to keep her engaged in conversation is to ask questions. But don’t just ask questions that require yes-or-no answers. Come up with questions that make her really think for her answers.
These can be simple ones, such as the last funny video she saw, the most useful thing she owns, and show she’s currently obsessed with. Not only are they great conversation starters, but her answers reveal a lot about her personality as well.
Witty responses
Even if you come up with the cleverest questions, that’s not enough to impress her. If she asks you questions in return, try to think of witty comebacks.
Don’t be afraid to show your funny side with a joke or two. Not only does this break the ice but it also eases the tension when things get awkward. Plus, you get more cookie points by making her laugh. No woman can resist a man that can make her smile. Your sense of humor will really come in handy in your quest to find love.
Smooth conversation
While you want to express interest, you can still do that without seeming desperate. The key to that is to keep the communication going. This can be relatively easy to do while the date is still going on but more difficult once the date is over.
The last thing you want to do is to come across as desperate when she doesn’t respond on time. Before you panic, remember that she has a life of her own and is simply taking care of other matters. Respect her time and wait for her to reply.
With these dating tips and relationship advice, you can show interest in her but at the same time respect her personal space. You don’t want to pressure your date into seeing you again out of pity. It’s better to let her figure out on her own that she does want to see you again. This confirms that the connection between you two is real and not imagined.